How to Embrace the Blank Page and Navigate Your Way Back to Writing (or Anything)

After a year of not writing and struggling to renew my creative flow, I just did it – sat at my desk, took hold of a pen, and stared at the blank page. 📝 It took some time before I penned anything I felt was worth exploring. As it turns out, most of my writing since January was just me journaling my way back – vomiting my emotions onto the page as I made my way back to me. One word at a time, sometimes accompanied by tears, I made my way back to creativity and productivity. 💪

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Now, reflecting on the past seven months of 2023, I find myself wondering: How did I get here? This place of peace, this place of knowing? How do any of us come into a realm of understanding? Of just knowing that we are going to be fine? I think that must be the trick to being a true optimist – even when we are going through the storm, deep down we know that at some point, somewhere, sometime in the (hopefully) nearest future, we will be okay. We hold onto our faith and believe that we will be okay. 🌟

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, feeling the weight of a year-long hiatus from writing? Or from anything you genuinely love to do? Did you feel guilty? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? I did. Because I felt at times I was failing myself. But take heart – I am encouraged to be able to share that times like these can be an opportunity to rejuvenate, not just for writing but for anything you are struggling to get back to in your life.

These are three tricks to turn the blank page into a canvas of renewal and regain your passion for writing or anything in life:

1. Embrace the Pause: Instead of beating up on yourself, see it as a momentary pause and allow your mind to be okay with the pause. Allow your heart to be okay with the pause, and do just that … pause. Breathe. And remember that life’s twists and turns sometimes demand that we pause, breathe, and take care of our mental and emotional health. Release the guilt, and remember that taking a long break from the goals you’ve set for yourself does not define you as a writer or person.

2. Seek Inspiration from Life: Use life itself, which by the way continues to move along even when we pause, to be a source of inspiration. Those moments of introspection, growth, and change can infuse your writing and your heart. I know it’s corny, but for real, stop and smell the roses 🌼 – and explore the beauty of the ordinary.

3. Turn this time of Quiet Reflection into a Life Lesson: Turn this hiatus into a lifelong lesson. I have kept a journal since I was a young girl, if you don’t already, give it a try. You may discover something amazing about yourself.

I am always looking for suggestions on how to pause, breathe, and just relax. Share how you take a break from life’s stress in the comments, I could definitely use some help in this area. 💬

Until next time, remember to breathe.🌬️

#CreativeRejuvenation #PassionRevived #ReflectAndRecharge

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